Every Day Life at Julie’s Jazz

Every Day Life at Julie's Jazz

Sometimes Will is a “willing” participant in having his picture taken other times he’s not. Here he was slinking away from me!Every Day Life at Julie's Jazz-2 The black bean pasta I bought and experimented with last week.  I was impressed!  Recipe coming soon!Every Day Life at Julie's Jazz-3 Will’s new thing is playing in either the kitchen or bathroom sink.Every Day Life at Julie's Jazz-4This is one of those times he wanted me to take a picture.Every Day Life at Julie's Jazz-5 He’s actually posing in this one!  He’s been climbing that cat tower since could crawl/climb/walk.  Poor ChopChop hasn’t been able to use it much for the last 4 years!Every Day Life at Julie's Jazz-6He has fallen from it several times.
Every Day Life at Julie's Jazz-7 If I’m in the kitchen, so is this dog.  He’s hoping I’ll drop something!Every Day Life at Julie's Jazz-8

One more Will photo and another week in the every day life at Julie’s Jazz is gone, just like that!

These photos were shot between November 3rd and November 9th, 2014.