The Wonders and Woes of Co-Sleeping with Your Kids

Will Sleeps In His Own Bed

Last night when I got home from work Will instantly began to harass me. He put both of his hands on my face to get my full attention and exclaimed, “I’m a big boy and I’m going to sleep in my own bed, in my own room, tonight!”

I shot him a giant smile and told him how wonderful I thought his idea was! But, in the back of my mind I knew this wouldn’t happen. Will has spent every single night snuggled up next to either Ben or I (usually both) for nearly six years. Ben and I played along all evening long with Will’s plan.

When it was finally time to go to bed Ben said, “Let’s tuck Will into his own bed!” Will bounded into his room, hopped up onto his bed, and wriggled his little body between the sheets. Ben gave him a big kiss and told him goodnight. I just stood in the doorway and said, “Goodnight Will, I Love You.” I didn’t bother to even go over to the bed to kiss him goodnight because I knew we probably wouldn’t even make it to our bedroom before he would be plunking down between us. On Ben’s way out of his room Will demanded he shut the door so the dogs wouldn’t be able to come in and wake him up!

We made it to our room and into our bed. Ben put his arm around me and we laughed because it had been so long since he was able to do that. Ben asked me how long I thought it would be before Will would burst through our bedroom door and reclaimed his spot between us. I was like, “Five minutes, TOPS!” Ben agreed.

Before we knew it we were fast asleep. The next thing I realized my eyes were open. I glanced over at the clock which read 5:12 am. I turned over to discover an empty cavern between Ben and me. I panicked! I thought Will must have wedged himself between his mattress and the rail of his bed. He was surely pinned somehow and was not able to make it back to our room!

So, I got up to check on him. I crept into his room and over to his bed. He certainly was pinned! He was wedged tightly under is comforter with his head resting perfectly and comfortably on his soft pillow. He was sleeping so peacefully! I wanted so badly to take a picture but I didn’t want to ruin it.

So I crept back to my own bed. Ben asked how he was doing. He said he had checked on him at 2:00 am and discovered the same scene as I had.

I laid there for a while thinking about the last 2000 (or so) nights. It was the same with Sam. He was over five when Ben and I bribed him with toy guns to get him to sleep in his own bed. It’s so incredibly bittersweet!

I’ve heard people sleep better without kids in the bed. And it makes sense. You’re not getting kicked or pushed around by little legs and arms all night long. But, I wouldn’t trade any of those nights next to Sam and Will. In an average lifetime there just aren’t that many of them.

We’ll see if it lasts. It was only one night. It could’ve been fluke! Either way we’ll certainly make the best of it! Because, before we know it he’ll be sleeping in his own bed in his own dorm room!

Check out these Baby Sleep Positions (1-10) from How to Be a Dad. Hilarious!!!


  1. Tara says:

    I love co-sleeping as well. We just have too many kids.

    1. Mom says:

      Wow! Very bittersweet! I hope he still climbs in with you two every few days-I miss you all in my bed!

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