Pumpkin Doughnut French Toast

I don’t remember seeing pumpkin doughnuts in the stores last year.  Our favorite cashier at Albertson’s said she remembers them.  She is the sweetest girl.  Whenever we go to the store she works at she will go out of her way to give Will stickers and a cookie from the bakery. This dish turned out…

Pumpkin Sausage Rigatoni

Fall has arrived in Eastern Idaho! We’ve had a couple of warm days since the beginning of September.  But, since the first official day of fall it has been cloudy, windy, and rainy. This kind of weather makes me want to cozy up to warm, one dish, comfort foods. My mom didn’t cook a lot when…

A Week in Pictures From Julie’s Jazz {Sept. 15th. to Sept. 21st.}

Sam asked his girlfriend to Homecoming.  In response she filled a blue jack-o-lantern bucket with wrapped fortune cookies.  Her answer was hidden in one of the cookies.  I thought it was a very clever idea! She wrote the note freehand! This came in the mail last week.  It only took  me 20 years to finish!…

Caramel Apple Hand Pies with Candied Pecans and Brie

This was my entry for a secret ingredient cooking competition I entered last weekend.  It’s funny they call it “secret ingredient” since the featured ingredient was apple this year and last.  I believe it was sponsored Apple Athletic Club.  Which kind of makes sense, and it is the GYM I go to, so I guess…