Seafood Mac & Cheese

Wouldn’t Scott Conant just croak if he saw this post!  He’s always ranting about something.  “Oh I hate raw red onions!  You can’t pair cheese and seafood! etc….”  Well there are probably many  things wrong “culinarily” with these ingredients individually and collectively in many cases, but for some reason when they all come together in “this…

Mexican Mac & Cheese

Second Day Pic Oh my gosh! This recipe has a lot of ingredients and steps.  I do not usually do this.  I had an idea in my mind that I wanted to try a Mexican Mac & Cheese.  Then I went to the store.  I did not realize how many ingredients I had until I…

Malibu/Miami Chicken Sandwiches

This recipe was a play on Malibu chicken sandwiches.  I love the idea of chutney on burgers and sandwiches.  Years ago I found a recipe for a turkey sandwich that had apricot/cranberry chutney and an herb cheese spread on a crusty baguette. I have been obsessed with using chutney on a sandwich ever since.  This…

"Super Fresh" Summer Citrus Marinade

Summer has finally settled in on south east Idaho. The past few days have been in the 80’s and 90’s and I just can’t get enough! I love, love, love summer and the heat it brings! The older I get the more I am beginning to embrace the “lighter side” of this seasons ingredients. Not…

Miraculous Mormon Meat Marinade & A Weight Update

This recipe was adapted from a Mormon guy I work with. It rendered the meat beyond tender and flavorful!  No offense is to be taken, because some of the best food I have eaten has come out of Mormon kitchens.  It was just a bit of a cliche because of the sprite.  Mormons like to…

Preamble to the 2012 Russell Garden Bounty

Since I got such a late start on my own garden I am super excited to already be grazing out of the garden my dad and granny plantedat the end of April.  You name it, they probably planted it.  I have already eaten my way through a bunch of baby Bok Choy, two huge bunches…