figure competition prep. my daily journal

{Last Night’s Dinner} Back to work, and normal routine, tomorrow. I was able to stay on track with my diet and workouts throughout my holiday break. It wasn’t too hard. I had a couple of (mentally) tough food days. But, I thought about my weigh-ins and I thought about having to post a food journal…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

{Scene from the Jazz game we went to last Thursday, December 29th., 2016} I was just reading a recipe for “Skinny Raspberry Shortbread Bars” on Pinterest. They looked amazing! The recipe called for a low calorie sugar  alternative. This made sense because the calorie reduction had to come from somewhere. Usually a few different ingredients…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

I’ve been surviving with only one shaker bottle spring since August. I have eight shaker bottles. It’s not like I use eight shaker bottles at a time. But, the one spring I have seems like it’s always in the dishwasher (dirty) when I need it. Ben ordered me these new lifting gloves and six new…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

Today I got to go to 2 of my favorite stores. Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods.  We don’t have either of them in Idaho Falls.  I love Trader Joe’s for a few specific products. Their Chili Lime Seasoning, and their Omega-3 (individually wrapped bags) trail mix are two items I always pick up. I don’t…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

On a quick overnight trip I would normally throw caution to the wind and eat junk. It’s a lot easier to eat out or grab garbage food from a gas station or hotel lobby.  Packing all your food or shopping, on the fly, for something macro and calorie friendly to eat in your hotel room…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

I used to read Shape magazine. It had a section in for reader success stories.  Each story included the diet and workout schedule of the featured individual. The diet was always super typical. Grilled chicken breast, vegetables, and water. I don’t believe I ever read a single success story article that didn’t mention chicken breast!…