2013 MAD Marathon-The Recap

We signed up for this marathon in March.  I never thought the training or the race would be easy.  Once we got into runs that were upwards of 8 miles I began experiencing pain in my hips.  I remembered encountering this same pain last year when we were training for the half-marathons.  Last year I…

Who Made The Final Cut On My Marathon Playlist?

Our marathon begins in Wolverine Canyon east of Firth, Idaho at 5:30 am tomorrow morning.  Here is my playlist.  This run should take me through at least 80 of these songs.  I placed 19 more on there in case I have to walk a little.  I didn’t get in as much training as I wanted…

Race Day (Our First Sprint Triathlon)

We (my husband & I) completed our first sprint triathlon on Saturday July 6th. Even though I’m not a seasoned swimmer or biker, I have to admit that, the two half-marathons we completed last summer were by far more mentally and physically challenging than this race. I don’t want to lead anyone to believe that…

Rigby Lake (Sprint) Triathlon, Our First Triathlon

I am 36 years old and in less than three weeks I will be swimming, biking, and running in my first sprint triathlon. I have been looking at historical and statistical data about finish times for all of these events and I am afraid, again, of coming in last place overall for the entire race…

Weighing In

I am happy and sad to report that weight loss is still directly related to calorie intake and only slightly related to physical activity.   Happy because I know I will lose weight if I eat X number of calories.  Sad because I would like running one mile to burn at least 1000 calories instead…

My New X-Pert X-Pole

It is a shiny, new, chrome X-Pole and the newest member to our home gym. I am super excited about my new fitness pursuit! I just hope I have the time to devote to it. Sadly the closest place with a studio that offers pole dancing lessons is about 47 miles from where I live…