Getting a 2.5 Year Old to Eat Fiber One Cereal

Our 2.5 year old has had a touch of tummy trouble lately. Dr’s orders:  Feed him fiber, lots of fiber!  I don’t know if you have ever read the label on a box of Fiber One but it has 14 grams of fiber per 1/2 cup serving. I think I read somewhere that an adult human is suppose…

Birthday Bliss

Yesterday was my birthday, I turned 36.  To celebrate, for breakfast, I made myself a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich on white bread.  It was incredible!  I did not measure any of my ingredients (for calorie content), but just by gauging it with my eyes I bet that sandwich contained ~800 calories.  But it was…

My New Toy

I have literally been dreaming/scheming about getting this lens for the past year and a half! And, finally it is in my camera bag of tricks. I cannot wait to use it this weekend at Sam’s tennis tournament in Boise. Last year my photos came out nicely but my lens would not allow me to…

Thank You Genie! (for our first two eggs)

Above is the first egg from 1 of our 6 chickens. This happened in the last week of July.  Ben is positive it came from Genie.  Ever since she laid it she has been laying 1 egg per day. Below is the first egg sitting with the second egg Genie laid the next day.  At first she was laying…

Fire Crew Book Signing &The Book Signing Bomber

I heard the Ben’s book signing went well.  I was not there for most of it, but I was told that it was good.  The Breakfast Bomber turned into the Book Signing Bomber and all 1,000,001 of the photos I planned to take turned into 4 photos. And of those 4 photos, one was of me…

Ben’s Book Signing

Tomorrow Ben (my husband) has a book signing at Barnes & Noble in Idaho Falls, ID.  A couple of weekends ago we were having a cheat day, so we went to go check out the signs they put up to advertise for the signing, and get a couple of treats. I am one LUCKY GIRL!!!