A Little Motivation & A Weight Update

I just needed a little motivation today when I got home from work.  Motivation to not eat 15 tablespoons full of peanut butter dipped into cool whip!  I was so hungry when I got home that I went straight to my computer to search for a fatty fat photo of myself to inspire me not to go off the deep end!  This was taken at the end of Sam’s, I think, fifth grade school year on a field trip to Craters of the Moon. It is a very cool geological site if you are ever in the area.  Sam is 15 now!  So that was ~ 4 years ago.

One more pound lost,  down to 136 lbs!

Eleven more pounds to go to get to my “race day” goal weight of 125.  I am talking about the family reunion “bikini race” on Friday July 20th “in case you were wondering.”   That gives me only eight more weigh-ins.  I am really going to have to “turn up the heat” on myself! I have been contemplating posting a progress photo of myself, but I kept putting it off and now I just think that I will wait until the big race day.  Sunday we had our longest run to date, 8.5 miles (Ben ran 9.5 because he was so far ahead of me and he was feeling so good that he figured he might as well).  I have never ran that far before without stopping to walk.  It was not as bad as I thought it would be and I am beginning to believe that a 13.1 mile run is within my capabilities.  I am also beginning to believe that getting through a run like that will be much more mental than physical.

Here are my stats. for last week:
My Weight Loss & Fitness Journey
For: 05/14/2012
Daily Calorie Intake: 1215
Exercise: 3 mile (untimed, outside) run.
Weight (from Monday 05/14/2012, I only weigh once per. week): 137 lbs.
For: 05/15/2012
Daily Calorie Intake: 1000
Exercise:  3.5 mile (untimed, outside) run.
Weight (from Monday 05/14/2012, I only weigh once per. week): 137 lbs.
For: 05/16/2012
Daily Calorie Intake: 1185
Exercise: N/A
Weight (from Monday 05/14/2012, I only weigh once per. week): 137 lbs.
For: 05/17/2012
Daily Calorie Intake: 1180
Exercise: N/A
Weight (from Monday 05/14/2012, I only weigh once per. week): 137 lbs.
For: 05/18/2012
Daily Calorie Intake: 1105
Exercise:  3 mile (untimed, outside) run.
Weight (from Monday 05/14/2012, I only weigh once per. week): 137 lbs.
For: 05/19/2012
Daily Calorie Intake: 1195
Exercise: N/A
Weight (from Monday 05/14/2012, I only weigh once per. week): 137 lbs.
For: 05/20/2012
Daily Calorie Intake: Cheat Day J(did not keep track)
Exercise: 8. 5 mile (untimed, outside) run.
 Weight (from Monday 05/14/2012, I only weigh once per. week): 137 lbs.


  1. Big Spoon says:

    You are making me so jealous!! You are so motivated and I’m a blob. Good for you! This is Christy by the way 😉 I figured out how to find and follow your blog. I’m also blogging these days.

  2. Julie, you are amazing and inspiring to me! I am still at about 142…been busy and down, at the same time…love it that I have two hot babes in the family blogging about food…..and also good for you on the running, I know for a fact it IS mostly mental…here is a quote for you to dine on:
    “You have to make the mind run the body. The body will always give up. It is always tired morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. You’ve always got to make the mind take over things and keep going” George Patton Love you!

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