Every Day Life at Julie’s Jazz

every day life at Julie's Jazz-5

Grandma Val and Grandpa Woody brought Will a new toy.  I made my Dad (Grandpa Woody) draw “The Claw” on it!every day life at Julie's Jazz-5

I fixed my downspout.every day life at Julie's Jazz-5

It’s not pretty but it just might do the trick. We’ll see!every day life at Julie's Jazz-5

Dallas kind of looks like Stains in this Photo!

every day life at Julie's Jazz-5

A gorgeous dish my Mother-in-Law, Deanna, gave me for mu Birthday. Thank you, Deanna!every day life at Julie's Jazz-5

The garden has gone to the chickens!
every day life at Julie's Jazz-5

 Forever, jumping through hoops, school!

Kind of a boring week. That’s good!


  1. kelly says:

    LOVE that pumpkin dish set!

  2. Woody Russell says:

    Love the drain. I admire your hands on fix anything in the house ability. When you write your cook book, maybe break it up with easy house fix ups.

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