figure competition prep. my daily journal


Last Halloween I spent the evening handing out candy while Ben took Will around trick-or-treating.  In the midst of the chaos of my doorbell ringing, my dogs barking, and hoards of random children running to and from my front door I was able to gobble up at least 30 snack sized candy bars! But, Halloween was on a Saturday so I’m sure we were having a cheat day (no guilt).

However, we had a ton of leftover candy. Plus, Will spent about two hours out Trick-or-Treating with Ben and came home with an ass load of candy! Neither of my children hoard candy or over-eat anything!  So, all of the left over candy, including Will’s, got tossed in a bowl and stashed on top of the refrigerator.

Last year, for the most part, I ate healthy during the work part of each week and only cheated on Friday nights, Saturday nights, and pretty much all day on Sundays. This pattern kept my weight relatively stable until the bowl of Halloween candy appeared.

At the time, I think Ben was going to the GYM by himself on Tuesday nights.

Following Halloween 2015 my Tuesday nights basically became mini cheat-food disasters. I would do well at work because I didn’t take anything to work that wasn’t healthy. On my drive home I thought about ways I could avoid cheating and would tell myself I wasn’t going to cheat. But, the minute I walked through the door Ben would go workout and I would hit the candy bowl. As soon as I ate one I would say screw it and I would pretty much eat garbage until Ben was done working out.  I would choke down dinner (I wasn’t hungry but I didn’t want Ben to find out cause I was embarrassed). And on top of all that I would be mean to Ben because I was mad at myself and he had no idea why. Yay!!! Food issues are so awesome!!! Happy Halloween!


This year is better!

Happy Halloween!