figure competition prep. my daily journal


My brother recently bought a house. It has two full sized kitchens!

If I lived in his house I would turn the entire basement into a GYM! And the basement kitchen would be like a mini health food/supplement store.

I would line the cupboards with protein powders and bars. The counter tops would be littered with blenders and shaker bottles.

The drawers would contain BCAA powders, pre-workout fat burners, protein cookies, protein chips, and protein nut butters.

The fridge would have 50 different sports drinks and ingredients like kale and blueberries for smoothies.

And the freezer would contain ice and Halo Top.

The up-stairs kitchen would be normal.  A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter.

The early stages of figure competition prep. involve routine, consistency, trust, and whole lot of day dreaming!