figure competition prep. my daily journal

Monday is done.

I hope you’re all ready for the holidays! Whatever that means for you.

For me the holidays mean getting time away from work to be with my family. So, ya! I’m more than ready. 

Today was a way better food day! Although, I always get super hungry on Monday mornings. I’m going to make a note to do something about that next Monday. Right now in my Prep., I really shouldn’t be getting super hungry. I’m consuming enough calories that I should be comfortable throughout the day. 

When I start cutting I will probably be hungry sometimes, especially if I don’t keep on top of my meals.

I was watching a vlog yesterday. I think it was Nikki Blackketter. She was talking about Prep and cutting. She said that during a cut you should be “uncomfortable” most of the time but you shouldn’t be starving or ravenous. Not her exact words, but something to that effect. I’ll have to watch the video again.

I guess my point is that I’m doing something wrong on Mondays cause I shouldn’t be so hungry, that I feel nauseous, every Monday morning at 9 am.

It’s all very interesting (to me).