figure competition prep. my daily journal

Stunning, isn’t it?

I didn’t take it. I can’t remember the last time I ate pizza.

I don’t know if I’ll ever eat pizza again.

It would have to be pretty special pizza!

 Thinking about never eating pizza again got me thinking about foods I ate when I was younger that I’m pretty sure I’ll never ever eat again because they don’t have much nutritional value. I don’t even know if I’d consider some of them to be actual food sources.

Circus Peanuts 

Gum Drops

Ding Dongs

Lemon Heads


Cotton Candy 

The Burger King Chicken Sandwich

The McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish 





Laffy Taffy

Captain Crunch Cereal

Are just a few of the foods I’m pretty sure I will never ever consume again.
Are there any foods you feel this way about?