figure competition prep. my daily journal

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Prepping for a figure competition is sort of like being pregnant when it comes to information and advice.

You scour the Internet for it and you ask the SMEs within your physical reach (e.g. people who are ripped and/or people who have competed before).
Everyone has an opinion about their supplements, their workouts, and their diet!
The problem is they’re all different and, a lot of the time, they conflict.
The whole supplement thing is driving me mad!
The more I research them the closer I get to the conclusion that less is probably better and it may all be bullshit anyway.
But, I still like to try out different supplements and foods out. If I love them you’ll know.
If I eat or drink something and it makes my body feel light, healthy, strong, satisfied, and energetic then I’m betting it’s probably good for me.
If I eat or drink something and it makes me feel bloated, heavy, tired, and generally shitty then I have a feeling it’s probably not good for me.
I’ve been doing this with food for awhile now (like 40 years). I have a quite a bit figured out in that area. 
I still need a little help with fitness. That’s where Scarlet comes in. 
And supplements are just going to be trial and error until I decide if they’re even something I going to use at all.
So if you see them in my food journal entries or on the posts where I show you what I’m eating it’s not because I’m endorsing that particular product. I’m probably just trying it out.
You will know when I love something! Because I won’t be able to stop talking about it. (e.g. Halo Top!!!!!!!!!)
In other news, I’m 17 weeks out from competition!
I was going to see a posing coach on Friday but I ended up working so my first session will be next Friday. Which is good because judging from this pic I really don’t know what the hell I’m doing!