Food Photography

Ok, listen. Truth be told, I had not even taken a good look at another food blog before I started this one. I have gleaned plenty of recipes from them, but never really read them or really looked into them until I started wondering why in some food photos it looks like you could dive right in to the bowl of Shanghai whatever noodles and literally lick the colors right off of the page! And why some food photos frankly make the food look like garbage on a colorless plate! I have discovered it all comes down to the camera, lenses, and more importantly the price of the camera and lenses. So until I can scrape the pennies together in order to obtain a nicer camera, I will just have to get by with what I have.

Another thing I will just have to get over is making comparisons between other people’s food blogs and my own. Oh my goodness there are some swanky blogs out there! But I have to remind myself that, I am just a beginner, and that this is an evolution.

Case in point: Which steak would you rather sink your teeth into?
I am willing to bet that they both taste equally as good!