Monthly Weight Update (October)

I didn’t forget and I’m sure I never will.  I call that an even 130 lbs.  I always round up.  Even if it said 129.1 I would still have to round up to 130.  I think I have a little bit of OCD going on and it manifests itself in ways like rounding up on my digital scale, spell checking documents over and over, hitting the save button on my documents over and over, making sure my Keurig Coffee Pod Drawer Holder is always stocked, making sure my Keurig Coffee water reservoir is always full, etc….  I could go on and on about little things I have to keep in order in my life.  But the ridiculous part of it is that I can have a kitchen sink full of dishes and not think twice about going to bed and leaving it for the next day.  Why can’t I be OCD about dishes, or laundry, or vacuuming, or cleaning out my vehicles, or dusting my blinds?  I have OCDFTTDM (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder For Things That Don’t Matter)!
Oh well, this life is still pretty great! Ben and I took this weekend off (diet wise) so tune in soon for my Julie’s Jazz version of monkey bread, some super hearty nachos you can serve for dinner, and a harvest fruit and vegetable side dish.
P.S. I am OK with 130 lbs. September 1st. I weighed in at 131 so overall it’s a pound lost, and proof of maintenance. I can live with that!