No Rest for the Piggy Toes, Hazy August Days, & A New Running Partner

This running season really took a toll on my feet. Some of my toe nails have turned black and are threatening to fall off. My two and a half year old calls them piggy toes. It makes me wonder how they will fare next year. I thought I was going to have some new and different fitness goals. But, as it turns out, I really just love running so that is what I will continue to do. I think that throughout the winter I will run at least 3.5 miles every day off. I will also sneak in a few long runs to try to keep what we have worked so hard to develop. Then sometime in late winter or early spring we will begin to train for a full marathon.  The first step will be to choose and sign up for one.  We have a few different races in mind.  You can be sure that I will post about it as soon as we settle on a race date.  Meanwhile I will just keep doing what I am doing, maintaining.  And speaking of maintenance I said that I was going to weigh in and report on the first of every month.  I kept this promise. On September 1st I weighed in at 132 lbs.  Now do not get worried and discouraged. I just happened to eat pizza, for the first time since January 3rd, on August 31st.  It completely blew me up.  Pizza and pasta both do this which is why I generally avoid them like the plague.  But, everything in moderation right? I do not think that pizza twice a year is really the worst thing I can do to my body. I knew that maintaining an ideal weight would not be a cake walk.  I still have to take it one day at a time and may have to continue to take it one day at a time for the rest of my life.  But, I am confident I can get back to the 120’s by October 1st.
The grain has been cut and the straw is stacked high. I love to watch the seasons while I run. I took these photos about two weeks ago in late August. The skies are hazy with smoke and debris from the wild fires. I will continue to run outside for at least a few more weeks. Fall runs are some of my favorite. Like in the springtime, fall offers perfect running weather days as well as incredible colors and smells.  Click here, here, and here to compare how the seasons have changed on my runs since early spring.
Lastly, let me introduce my new running partner and the newest member of our family.  His name is Dallas.  In this picture he is about 10 weeks old.  I think he is going to be big!  Charley, our other dog, is such a great running partner. I cannot wait to add one more runner to the pack.  It is going to be fun to watch our two and a half year old and this new puppy change and grow together.  I predict that within two years it will be smooth sailing with our two gorgeous canines and a little boy leading the pack on his two wheeled bike!


  1. Big Spoon says:

    I too have a black toenail that I am certain will fall off at some point. It looks like you and I are just into posting pictures of our feet 😉 You look great and sound so motivated. I wish I were as motivated as you are.

  2. You got the new dog…he’s pretty! How does Charlie like him? What does Will thin of him?

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