figure competition prep. my daily journal

Tonight I weighed in at 138.5 lbs. Which I will call 139. So I’m down ~1 more lb. since last week.

Also, I had my body fat measured tonight and I’m at 19.7%. Last time I was at ~21%. I don’t think my body fat has ever been that low! 

Five years ago you couldn’t have convinced me that I’d be lifting weights and that I would love it! I was stuck in my cardio kingdom back then. I was burning calories and building endurance. Which are both great things but they’re only one piece of the puzzle. 

And it’s absolutely okay if you don’t want to build muscle. I always wanted to. But I didn’t understand how. 

Ben has lifted all his life and I REALLY admire his physique. He has always been more than willing to help me and show me how. But, it was sort of like when you coach your own kid. They don’t perform for you like they would for someone else. I didn’t know how to push myself and I gave up easily. It was probably frustrating for him but he was, and still is, always patient and helpful.

It’s pretty unbelievable, and difficult to trust, how muscle is developed. It’s slow and methodical. You can’t just hop on a machine, set your pace, and zone out to Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band. You have to pay attention. Just like everything else it’s a form of art that must be practiced over and over.

So there. Sleep well!