figure competition prep. my daily journal

Every once in awhile Ben will talk me into working out late in the evening.

I teach fitness classes in the evenings so I should be more open to the idea. 

At first I was like, “nope!” But then I started thinking about how I would sit upstairs and think about food if I didn’t go do something. I wasn’t tired. And I love working out with Ben in our basement! 

So we ended up starting at 9 pm and finishing at 10:30 pm. I actually ended up having a better workout tonight than I did earlier today. (I don’t usually workout more than once a day on weekdays. But, I’m off work right now so we’re talking advantage!)

In the middle of our workout Sam came home. He threw on some sweats and joined in. Will was down there too shooting hoops on a basketball set he got for Christmas. It was a fun night!