figure competition prep. my daily journal


Grilled pork chops, grape tomatoes, Italian green beans, and chili lime seasoning!

I hate the word, skinny.

It conjures up images in my mind of people like Lesley Hornby, Kate Moss, Russell Brand, and Chris Robinson.

All lovey people! But, all appearing underfed at certain times in their lives.

When someone calls another person skinny I automatically think weak, sick, frail, and malnourished.

Skinny just seems like a negative word to me.

I don’t think most people mean it that way. I think most people think they’re complimenting the person when they say, “Wow, you’re looking skinny!”

But, I believe, there are people who use the word to passive aggressively insult a person.

I prefer words like fit, athletic, strong, sporty, muscly, built, and healthy.

Trim, slim, and thin are bordering on skinny. But, skinny is definitely the worst!

Although, there was a time in my life (early teens to my early 20s) when I thought the waif-ish look was sexy and I probably would have loved being called “skinny.”