Going Greek

Recently, I made a discovery.  I am embarrassed to admit this because it is something I feel I should know already.  But alas, having never attended culinary arts school, there is a lot of tribal knowledge I do not know and have to discover on my own.  Not that I believe that you learn everything there is to know about food in culinary arts school either, but I am sure it is an extremely valuable jumping off point.

Now back to my latest discovery of the unknown.  GREEK YOGURT!  In the words of my two year old, OH MY GOODNESS! OH MY GOODNESS!  I did not know about Greek style yogurt versus Greek yogurt the real deal! You see, I have always purchased Greek style yogurt well because it is cheaper.  So the other day I found myself at a different store than I usually go to and they did not have the Greek style yogurt that I usually buy.  But I was craving plain yogurt, I know I am really weird.  So even though it was expensive I grabbed a 7oz. container of FAGE plain 2%.  I remember being surprised by the protein content (20g)!  Calories were a little higher to 150 cal. instead of my usual 100cal. Container.  But it was 2% and 7oz. not the usual 0% and 6oz. I am used too.  This article gives a short and simple explanation.

My, oh my, is that yogurt worth every last one of those 50 calories, and more!  It was like eating plain cream cheese only lighter, fluffier, and with a little tang!  I could not get enough!  I was so sad when I reached the bottom of that container!  So the very next day I went to the store and purchased a variety of different brands and flavors to compare and contrast.  The flavored varieties are so rich, creamy, and wonderful, they should be dessert!  I am sure I will never put my lips to regular yogurt or Greek style yogurt ever again.  If I can’t afford the real deal then I guess I just will not eat it.  And for the record FAGE pronounced “fa-yeh” is, in my opinion, unmatched!

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