figure competition prep. my daily journal

{no filter,no edits (except for the text)} Prepping for a figure competition is sort of like being pregnant when it comes to information and advice. You scour the Internet for it and you ask the SMEs within your physical reach (e.g. people who are ripped and/or people who have competed before). Everyone has an opinion…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

Valentine’s Day is coming up. And I’ve been thinking about my Prep and the support I get for it from my family. I honestly don’t know if I could do this without the support of my family. I mean, I could do it. I just don’t think I could give it as much as I’ve…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

{Maple Glazed Doughnut One Bar} Weighed in at 132.5 lbs. today.  I was at Fred Meyer the other day standing in the protein bar isle. I was just standing there scanning all the bars. There was a woman standing next to me doing the same thing. I looked over at her, smiled, and said,”This is…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

{CAYENNEADE} I don’t generally drink my calories.  I drink my coffee black or with a little bit of low/no calorie sweetener. I will drink a diet soda every once in a great while. But, I love food so I try to save all my calories and macros for it! Kombucha is different. I almost consider…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

{185 calories worth of peanut butter & toast} I had a discussion about peanut butter with Scarlet (my trainer) last summer. We were talking about my weekend cheat days and I don’t think she really believed I was eating as many calories as I told her I was on those days. I don’t think she…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

{swatches} I’m so glad Monday is over!  It wasn’t even a bad day. I just have an aversion to Mondays. I guess that’s kind of a stupid thing to write. As if I’m the only one. I got these fabric swatches in the mail the other day. This process is so long that when something…