figure competition prep. my daily journal

It was a busy day! Worked out with Scarlet at 11:30am. *Weighed in at 133 lbs.  Scarlet wants me to build for a few more weeks. As far as I know I’m still sitting at 17% body fat. This business of building muscle and losing fat is super tricky! If I start cutting now, I…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

If you look at my food journal entries you’ll notice that I eat A LOT of protein bars! I eat about 2 a day and sometimes 3. So far it’s been fine. I’ve consistently got the results I want from my diet. But in about 4 weeks my diet is going to become a little…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

{abs} Do you have a favorite body part to work? Do you have a part you hate to work? I love to workout my abs, my shoulders, and my back. It’s because I’ve seen the most development in these areas. I like working my glutes, and my hamstrings the least. I know I’ve made progress…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

{KEURIG 2.0} Is my coffee maker really preheating? Or is it actually playing a game of “Trivial Pursuit?” Why am I such a nerd? I believe I’m eating too much protein! I never really considered it (getting too much protein) an issue because people (in articles I read and vlogs I watch) are always stressing…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

{dinner} Grilled pork chops, grape tomatoes, Italian green beans, and chili lime seasoning! I hate the word, skinny. It conjures up images in my mind of people like Lesley Hornby, Kate Moss, Russell Brand, and Chris Robinson. All lovey people! But, all appearing underfed at certain times in their lives. When someone calls another person…

figure competition prep. my daily journal

A full day of eating at 17 weeks out. 9:30am Oatmeal, Chobani Dulce de Leche Greek Yogurt, and Black Coffee. 279 calories/40C/5F/16P11am Pre-workout cocktail. 0 calories/0C/0F/0P 3:30pm Post-workout snack. Vanilla protein shake with BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids for muscle recovery) and a Chocolate Super Food Energy Bar. 325 calories/34C/9F/35P5pm Spinach Tortilla Wrap with melted…