Half Marathon Training & Some "After" Pictures

So, yesterday, in order to get ready for our half marathon on July 21st.  Ben and I decided to run a half marathon.  Ya, that’s how we roll.  We pretty much do everything ass-backwards in life.  But it suits us.  We ran the Idaho Falls: Scenic River Classic.  To get ready for that half marathon,…

Fun New Diet Tip & Weight Update

 More of Dad and Granny’s garden bounty.  Thanks Dad and Granny!  The Best Ranch Dressing in the World! I could not find a website for the restaurant that makes it, but I buy it at Albertsons Grocery Store.  I will do more research and get back to you. That’s Feta, 1/4 c. While chomping on the…

Miraculous Mormon Meat Marinade & A Weight Update

This recipe was adapted from a Mormon guy I work with. It rendered the meat beyond tender and flavorful!  No offense is to be taken, because some of the best food I have eaten has come out of Mormon kitchens.  It was just a bit of a cliche because of the sprite.  Mormons like to…

Long Beautiful Run & Weight Update

The next two photos are updates from photos taken for “this” post. Now that spring is in full bloom I wanted to share a little update to my “Road Work” views.  If you click on “Road Work” you will see these same pictures only from a couple of months ago.  Things are really getting beautiful…

A Little Motivation & A Weight Update

I just needed a little motivation today when I got home from work.  Motivation to not eat 15 tablespoons full of peanut butter dipped into cool whip!  I was so hungry when I got home that I went straight to my computer to search for a fatty fat photo of myself to inspire me not to…

What I Am Listening To & Weight Update

Monday May 14th, 137 lbs. So there it is, still at 137.  But, I am not surprised.  As you can see from my workouts I only got three in last week.  Good for maintenance maybe, but not so good for losing. Running without music is not an option. Even outside.  When I run outside with…